2023 Board candidate

Knut Sierotzki

Vice President Hydro Asia, AFRY

My name is Knut Sierotzki and I’m a Swiss Civil and Water Resource Engineer currently resident in Bangkok. In my current role as Vice President Hydro Asia I’m heading the Hydropower Business of AFRY in Asia Pacific.

I have been in the hydropower business for now over 30 years and worked for AFRY (Pöyry) in all continents from very small to very large hydropower schemes under sometimes challenging conditions. My main driver was and is providing a clean and sustainable energy to reduce the dependency on fossil fuel. The last years have been now especially exciting not only by the continuation of the expansion of hydropower in some of the least developed countries but also the decarbonization drivers in the developed world.

Being also involved regularly also in field work with my teams the destructive power of climate change has become very evident and sustainable hydropower must be one of the key drivers in the global energy transition.

Hydropower schemes are large infrastructure project which can cause considerable changes in the environment, social and economic balance of the host countries and must be therefore managed extremely careful to achieve a sustainable hydropower development.

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