High-level online launch event on the role of hydropower on the path to net zero
30 June 2021
1400-1515 CEST

Join the International Energy Agency (IEA) at the high-level launch event for their new Hydropower Special Market Report where senior stakeholders from around the world will discuss the importance of sustainable hydropower on the global energy and climate agenda.
The event will explore the importance of hydropower in the clean energy transition, highlighting its flexibility, potential to integrate with solar PV and wind, and ability to produce low-carbon electricity, framed by IEA's new report.
IHA’s Chief Executive Eddie Rich will speak at a high-level round table at the event.
Opening remarks:
Dr. Fatih Birol, IEA Executive Director
Tina Bru – Minister of Petroleum and Energy, Norway
Dr. Vera Songwe – UN Under-Secretary-General and Executive Secretary, UN Economic Commission on Africa
Jean-François Tremblay – Deputy Minister, Natural Resources, Canada
Presentation of the main findings of the Special Report:
Heymi Bahar, Lead Author and Senior Energy Analyst, IEA
High-level moderated roundtable discussion:
Benoit Revaz – State Secretary and Director Swiss Federal Office of Energy
Alejandro Moreno – Deputy Assistant Secretary, US Department of Energy
Laura Lizano, Director of Energy – Secretariat of Energy Sector Planning (SEPSE), Costa Rica
Thiago Barral – Executive President, Brazil Energy Research Office
Zheng Shenga – Chairman and President China Renewable Energy Engineering Institute
S K G Rahate – Additional Secretary, Ministry of Power, India (tbc)
Demetrios Papathanasiou – Global Director, Energy and Extractives Global Practice, World Bank
Eddie Rich – CEO, International Hydropower Association